Becoming a Christian
Christianity is all about having a relationship with the God who created us. We were wonderfully and fearfully made in God's image and likeness for the purpose of an intimate relationship with Him.
The Christian faith teaches that absolutely anybody can have a fresh start, whatever you have done in your life. Anyone who genuinely prays to God and seeks his forgiveness will receive it. This forgiveness is a gift from God Himself. It cannot be earned by doing good things. In the second letter to the Corinthians, Paul wrote: "If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!" (2 Corinthians 5:17)
At the heart of the Christian faith is the message that "God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him" (1 John 4:16).
Repentance is a key step in becoming a Christian. At the beginning of his public mission, Jesus said, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near." (Matthew 4:17)
Genuine repentance is, however, more than just feeling regret and being sorry. Repentance (in Greek "metanoia") means to change our minds and hearts, and to turn and face a new direction and walk back toward God (and as such, it is a synonym for faith/belief/trust.)
So, to live as a Christian, you actually have to be one. That may sound obvious, but many people try to 'live a Christian life' without having any understanding of what Christianity is all about.
If you haven't already, why don't you come to our Church and speak with Father Adam (Vicar) or other leaders of our church family?
Becoming a Christian begins with:
- being part of the church family: the body of Christ, designed to bring Him glory through worship, to teach Biblical doctrine, and to equip its members for evangelism
- starting reading the Bible
- having a regular prayer time
- get Baptized: Baptism is the public act of identifying yourself as a Christian, through which we receive God's grace and are brought closer to God
Paul explained to the Romans, "If you confess with your mouth 'Jesus is Lord' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved." (Romans 10:9-10)
So if you're at the beginning of this journey, pray this allowed:
Heavenly Father, in this sacred moment
I approach You with an open heart and ready for transformation.
Today, I decided to turn towards You,
to step into the light of Your love and to begin my journey as a Christian.
I stand at the threshold of a new beginning
yearning for the truth, peace, and love that comes only from knowing You.
With humility and hope, I confess that I have lived apart from Your grace
seeking fulfilment in places where it cannot be found.
Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins and surrender my life.
Wash me clean.
I believe that You are the Son of God
Who died on the cross for my sins and rose again on the third day for my Victory.
Teach me Your ways, Jesus, and help me to walk in them.
Open my heart to Your Word
that I may find wisdom and comfort in its pages.
And fill me with your Holy Spirit
so You can flow through me like a mighty river.
Thank You, Lord, for Your mercy and grace.
Help me to live a life that honours and glorifies You.
Heavenly Father, in this sacred moment
I approach You with an open heart and ready for transformation.
Today, I decided to turn towards You,
to step into the light of Your love and to begin my journey as a Christian.
I stand at the threshold of a new beginning
yearning for the truth, peace, and love that comes only from knowing You.
With humility and hope, I confess that I have lived apart from Your grace
seeking fulfilment in places where it cannot be found.
Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins and surrender my life.
Wash me clean.
I believe that You are the Son of God
Who died on the cross for my sins and rose again on the third day for my Victory.
Teach me Your ways, Jesus, and help me to walk in them.
Open my heart to Your Word
that I may find wisdom and comfort in its pages.
And fill me with your Holy Spirit
so You can flow through me like a mighty river.
Thank You, Lord, for Your mercy and grace.
Help me to live a life that honours and glorifies You.